Marketing content that works changes the way your prospects feel. It's that internal fist-pump of a YES! that happens when someone trying to solve a complex problem finds that light shining at the end of a tunnel due to the story you're sharing.
This kind of storytelling is engaging because it meets the urgent—and often complex—needs of today's prospects.
Let's face it. Complexity is escalating. Not much is really simple, unless you already know the answer. And, if it's too simple, people think it's not possibly comprehensive enough to deal with everything they need it to do. Then again, if it's got too many moving parts, it seems overwhelming.
Kind of a conundrum, don't you think? Plus, this makes it really hard to get to YES!
This is why marketing content needs to tell a story over time that your customers can relate to. Here are a few reasons why storytelling in marketing content can get you to YES!
- Stories enable people to visualize solving their problems successfully.
- Stories engage people for the duration—meaning once they're engaged, they'll actually read your content, not just scan it and move on.
- Stories evoke emotion. Emotion is an element you need to get to YES!
- Stories provide a way for your customers to re-tell them in meaningful ways to the other stakeholders involved in the purchase decision.
- Stories humanize your company in the eyes of your customers. They've got meat, substance and they're seen as more personal. People can step inside of them and will experience them based on their individual perspectives.
Getting your customers to YES! increases in difficulty when you try to cover too much at once. This is why it's important to focus stories on one objective at a time. When you have a goal for each content resource, it's easier to get the reaction you want because the idea you're sharing is purposeful.
When you try to go for the whole enchilada with one content piece, it's easier to wander off on tangents or include things that dilute the value delivery that gets the YES! response. Plus, people are busy. They don't have time for epics.
In a complex sale, you've got an extended gestation period for nurturing. Use your time wisely and focus on having each experience with your content increase the velocity of that YES!
Focus on giving your customers that opportunity for buy-in. Once you've engaged them, keep them coming back for more. That's why it's important to map your strategy before you start.
Connect your stories in a way that makes sense to your customers. Consider the ways they'll experience it and focus on enhancing those interactions for specific segments. The same story won't influence that YES! from everyone.
Think of marketing content as a gourmet meal where each bite is savored with a sip of extremely good wine, instead of a 12-course meal served up as fast food with a soda pop chaser.
What are you doing to get your customers to YES! ???
Thanks to Seth Godin's post, Looking for Yes, for inspiring this tangent on the idea.