Do you find yourself sinking into a monologue about yourself or your products at sales meetings?
Do you wonder what that one key ingredient is that endears you to clients?
Have you lost control of your sales discussions?
How authentic are you during interactions with clients?
Do you have a controversial opinion that makes your clients sit up and take notice?
Rain Today has released a new eBook that packs a lot of punch. Titled "The One Piece of Advice You Can't Sell Without" From 11 Experts on Selling Professional Services, the ebook includes wisdom culled from some of the best in the business. Download it now.
Here are a few key takeaways:
"Good selling isn't about persuasion, manipulation, or being glib. In fact, the more you try to "sell" someone, the faster they want to get away from you." Jill Konrath, best selling author of Selling to Big Companies.
"The only important discussion point is about value, and particularly that value which pertains to the buyer's emotions." Alan Weiss, author of Million Dollar Consulting.
"If potential clients discover that you and they share the same opinion, supported by data that's easy to use, you will wipe out the competition." Frank Stasiowski, CEO PSMJ Resources.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot to be learned in these pages. Got get the eBook.